Booking a holiday

This course will take you on a journey to a destination of your choice. The steps below show what might normally happen when you book a holiday and therefore what the course will include:-

Business trips and relative visiting have also been considered and included.

  • How long do you want to go away for?
  • Do you have a lot of time off or is there a holiday allowance restriction
  • Do you want a city break or beach holiday
  • Single destination or multi-destination trip
  • What accommodation do you want
  • How will you travel

Easily forgotten when planning a holiday is whether they need injections or malaria prophylaxis.

Also easily forgotten about, but extremely important, is travel insurance and they should never travel without it. Travel insurance can help if they have flight cancellations, are robbed, are injured or more. They will also need to check their insurance is valid for the type of holiday or trip they are going on. Such as winter sports insurance, global insurance, backpacking insurance etc.

Finally, you’re ready to go on your journey. After all the waiting your trip is finally here. So get your holiday shoes on, grab your passport and wallet, and head out the door. You can now move onto the next section.